Published: 03/03/2025

Benefits and Considerations for High Protein Diets 

Protein has long been recognized as a fundamental nutrient for human health, and interest in protein continues to grow (1). According to the International Food Information Council’s (IFIC) 2024 Food & Health Survey, 71% of adults aimed to consume more protein in 2024—up from 67% in 2023 (1).  

This increased focus on protein is positive, particularly since many Americans still fall short of protein needs. Data from the 2025-2030 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee highlights protein as one of the most under-consumed nutrients in individuals older than one year (2) What’s more, many protein-rich foods contain important micronutrients that can benefit overall health, and habitually consuming more protein is generally associated with better overall diet quality among several populations. (3

When supporting patients in meeting protein requirements, it’s important to consider a patient’s unique needs and goals and strike the right balance of both protein quantity and quality. Here are a few specific factors to keep in mind. 

High protein foods fish, chicken, eggs, beef an nuts

Protein and Weight Management 

Protein plays a key role in weight management. Increased protein intake promotes satiety, boosts thermogenesis, and preserves lean body mass during calorie-restricted diets (4). Research supports that moderate increases in protein consumption can help individuals achieve and maintain a healthy weight.  

For example, studies on protein and satiety demonstrate that moderate protein intake, ranging from 1.2-1.6 grams per kilogram of body weight per day (g/kg/d), helps control appetite and promote weight loss (5). This may be because protein is more satiating than carbohydrates or fats, reducing overall caloric intake by curbing hunger (4).  

Experts generally recommend spacing out protein intake throughout the day, aiming for 25-30 g of protein per meal. Further satiety and calorie reduction benefits may be seen with larger doses of protein (6). 

Protein and Sports Nutrition 

For athletes and physically active individuals, protein is indispensable. It helps build and maintain muscle mass and plays a pivotal role in optimizing exercise and injury recovery. In fact, the single most important nutritional factor for enhancing post-exercise muscle protein synthesis is the ingestion of dietary protein (7). Protein provides the building blocks necessary for repairing, remodeling, and building new muscle.  

The recommended protein intake for athletes varies based on activity level and type but generally ranges between 1.4-2 g/kg/d (8). Though dietary guidelines typically recommend an equal distribution of daily protein requirements over the main meals to support muscle anabolism, emerging research demonstrates that consuming large amounts of protein (i.e.100 g in a single bolus) following exercise may be beneficial for muscle protein synthesis (9). 

While athletes can certainly meet protein needs through whole foods, supplements in the forms of powders or bars can offer a practical solution to help increase consumption (8). Whey protein, soy protein, or pea protein are common choices.  

Considerations for Plant-Based Diets 

For those following plant-based diets, meeting protein needs can be more challenging, but it is entirely possible with careful planning. Protein is made up of amino acids, nine of which are essential and must be obtained through the diet. Animal proteins, like meat, poultry, and fish are considered complete proteins, providing all nine essential amino acids. Many plant proteins are referred to as incomplete, or lacking one or more of these essential amino acids. This does not mean one can’t meet protein needs on a plant-based diet.  

Certain plant-based proteins can provide all essential amino acids, such as soy-based products (e.g., tofu, tempeh, edamame), quinoa, chia seeds, and buckwheat. Additionally, consuming a wide variety of different plant-based foods throughout the day helps ensure amino acids needs are met (10). This approach alleviates the need for precise protein combinations at each meal, because a diverse diet is generally sufficient to meet all amino acid requirements. Isolated protein powders can be used to fill any gaps in protein intake, but should be consumed in combination with whole foods to ensure a well-rounded diet that is rich in micronutrients (11).   

Protein Across the Lifespan 

Protein needs shift throughout the lifespan. While most individuals can meet their needs through a balanced diet, specific groups such as adolescents, pregnant and nursing women, post-menopausal females, and the elderly have additional protein needs and may require more tailored care (12). 

For example, several studies have identified protein as a key nutrient in older adults to prevent loss of muscle mass, strength, and function (12). Research shows that elderly adults are less responsive to low dose amino acid intake, making adequate protein intake even more crucial (12). Experts in the field of healthy aging recommend a protein intake of 1.2-2 g/kg/day for elderly adults (12). To maximize anabolic response, elderly adults should aim to consume at least 25 g of protein per meal, with perhaps higher amounts being more desirable, as older individuals tend to have anabolic resistance and may require larger amounts of protein to overcome this (12). 

Meeting Protein Needs with a Low-Carbohydrate Approach  

Consumers are adopting high-protein diets and for good reason (1). Protein offers numerous benefits, including supporting weight management, preserving muscle, and promoting healthy aging. Though some experts caution about potential risks associated with protein overconsumption, it’s important to note these concerns are typically linked to excessive intake beyond the body’s needs, especially without balancing fats or carbohydrates (2). 

When following a low-carbohydrate approach, individuals typically shift consumption toward protein-rich foods. Low-carbohydrate eating patterns may make it easier to meet daily protein needs, given the focus on protein foods, and the benefits associated with adequate protein intake.