When a diet calls for cutting down on carbohydrates, the balance of macronutrients shifts to place a greater reliance on fat for energy. So, can a low-carb diet, that is higher in fat, help reduce cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk? The answer may surprise you and your patients.

More Fat and Fewer Carbs: A Recipe for Heart Health
Fat is a broad category of macronutrients, with each type having a different effect on the body. Contrary to popular belief, fats are not the enemy of a diet plan and should not be feared among those trying to lose weight.
For example, the Mediterranean diet, long considered the gold standard for heart health, is not a low-fat diet (1). Eating the Mediterranean way includes consuming nutrient-dense fat sources, such as olive oil, fatty fish and nuts. The PREDIMED study, a major study on diet and CVD risk, found that participants following the Mediterranean diets plus additional fats of either nuts or olive oil (38-41% of total calories from fat) had a lower risk of cardiovascular events in the five years following their intervention than those on the low-fat diet.(2)
As for low carbohydrate diets in general, randomized clinical trials have also found that low-carbohydrate diets are more effective than low-fat diets in reducing cardiovascular risk factors and for helping with weight loss.(3,4)
Saturated Fats Are OK, Too
While saturated fats have been long regarding as “bad,” emerging research suggests some saturated odd-chain fatty acids (those with an odd number of carbon atoms in the backbone) found in full-fat and fermented dairy, such as pentadecanoic acid (15:0) are associated with reduced adiposity and CVD.(5,6)
We know that oils, nuts and other unsaturated fats tend to be more heart-healthy, but not all saturated fats should be avoided. A systematic review and meta-analysis found that saturated fats such as stearic acid, the primary saturated fatty acid in dark chocolate, unprocessed meat, as well as in dairy products, have a neutral effect or can even reduce CVD risk.(7)
Dietary Fats and Blood Lipids
In addition, fats consumed in the diet influence blood lipids, which may in turn, affect CVD risk. Lipoproteins are spherical particles that carry fats/lipids, such as cholesterol and triglycerides, in the body. Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) levels, as well as the ratio between total cholesterol to high-density lipoproteins (HDL) levels, are considered markers for CVD risk.(8)
The old school of thought is that LDL-cholesterol and cardiovascular disease risk have a direct relationship – the higher the LDL levels, the greater the risk.(8) With this said, the science in this areas is evolving – studies have found that following the Mediterranean eating pattern may indeed reduce CVD risk,(9) including reducing levels of oxidized LDL,(10) but without a significant change in overall LDL levels.(3) Rather, the type of LDL may have a greater impact on CVD risk, with small, dense LDL particles appearing to be more atherogenic than large, fluffy LDL – because they can be more easily oxidized.(11)
Counseling Patients on Heart Healthy, Lower Carb Eating Patterns
Staying up to date on the latest science of fats and on cardio-protective dietary patterns is important for health care professionals, as diet and lifestyle choices are modifiable risk factors for CVD. Here are a few tips to help your patients reduce their risk and create heart-healthy habits:
- Consider a low-carb diet that follows a Mediterranean-style eating pattern. That is, one that includes fish, lean meats, oils, legumes and fresh produce. (Try this meal plan that incorporates the Atkins approach within the Mediterranean diet.)
- Choose unsaturated fats (oils, nuts, fish, avocados) when convenient, but don’t be afraid of incorporating saturated fats within reason. Fats in the diet help with absorption of fat-soluble vitamins.(12) For example, using salad dressings that contain fat can be more beneficial to your patient than fat-free options.
- Consider the food matrix and other nutrients within a food that can be beneficial for health. Nutrient-dense foods such as dairy not only provide beneficial fats, but also calcium, vitamin D and other essential nutrients that support heart health.