Published: 09/16/2015

One Year Data From A Prospective Cohort of Low Carbohydrate Dieters

Most CCARBS participants reported they had: More stable moods on a low carb diet, Better appetite control than with a conventional weight loss diet, Preferred food choices on a lower carb diet compared to a conventional weight loss diet. One year weight changes in CCARBS participants were: 26.5% lost weight; 39.0% maintained their weight; 34.5% gained weight. At one year, 75% of CCARBS participants reported they were still on a low or controlled carbohydrate diet. At baseline, 412 CCARBS participants (16.5%) had kept at least 30lbs off for at least one year.


Segal-Issacson (2004). "One Year Data From A Prospective Cohort of Low Carbohydrate Dieters". 2004 North American Society for the Study of Obesity Conference